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Between Scylla and Charybdis, or the mysterious soul of a Russian official

Between Scylla and Charybdis, or the mysterious soul of a Russian official«Only one in our county a decent man - the prosecutor. And he is, by the way - a pig! "NV Gogol's "Dead Souls"

Cadastral Chamber Glavarhitektura, Bureau of Technical Inventory, Territorial Department № 15 Rosnedvizhimost, Rostehinventarizatsiya, unified customer service, the Committee on Privatization, the different structures of the Ministry of State Property Management of the Sverdlovsk region, the Ministry of Territorial Administration of Property Relations, the Committee on Monuments, Ministry of Construction , the Federal Registration Service of the Russian Federation, the various courts, the district tax offices, and many, many bodies and organizations with which we interact with the construction companies in the course of their work.

In each of the above institutions we deal with various officials at all levels. And although the solution of paper and legal issues - is equally work, both for the builder, and the officials who are equally bound by both sides - the reality is so that employees of construction companies almost always act as a sort of asylum. The role of inequality and thankless. Therefore, knowledge of psychology and some behavioral patterns of certain categories of civil servants, according to the wording "SMiU", can facilitate and speed up the documents in a particular instance. In this issue we publish the continuation of material on the subject. Read the first two parts in the last issue of "SMiU».

 Part three. Top executives.

Specificity of communication with senior management (which include the heads or deputy heads of the organization as a whole) is that you can talk to them constructively at all on any problematic issue for you. Even if your problem in their areas of competence, and even if at the level of middle management you received unfair, little motivated refusal. Moreover, if you go just to complain and ask for your understanding of the problem "in fairness", you almost certainly will not get anything good.

The higher level of communication, the greater importance are the unwritten rules, norms, and the value of emotions, and your argument, by contrast, is weakening. So you need to be clear list of "situations" that can go into these rooms. Here is a rough list (of course, we do not consider the case when you're the head of a long and well known, for example, studied or worked together in the past, and generally communicate on friendly terms):

1. The solution to your question obviously legitimate, does not have other interpretations, but at the same is the case - a very rare and the practice facilities are not met. Ever met, but long and middle management has no experience in dealing with such issues. In this case, before you go to the reception to senior management, it is advisable to stock up examples of solutions to your question either in the past or in similar institutions in other regions (where the law is the same, for example, the "Law on State Land Cadastre RF").

2. Similar case, when the solution to your question appears unclear legal situation, and the line manager does not want to take responsibility. It is also appropriate to stock up on at least one ready to precedent, but rather several.

3. In addressing your question, there is a vague "political" situation. Most often, this happens when the issue solves several departments and agencies. These agencies may be in a bruising battle with each other, sabotaging the work of a hostile organization, so that in the future the "top" became apparent failure of the latter, and an unfriendly organization would be punished, and ideally would be completely taken away her powers. You, however, may not even be aware that you were among the departmental millstones.

No better, if departments strongly friends, but on the contrary you have a conflict with one of them. Moreover, the conflict is not your fault, and even have in your favor a decision of the court. In this case, you may be denied of friendly solidarity with the loser in the court organization. If your question is "politically colored", then you can only sympathize, because here there is no easy and obvious way to solve the problem. Is that possible at the very least try to use the "big guns", as will be discussed below. In any case, if you suspect that you may come across a "political" obstacle, it is best to consult your problem before filing for review, as long as you do not prepare a formal refusal. Although most of the underwater currents interagency mere mortal little is known about the problems he knows at the time when the documents are submitted.

 General psychological portrait 

Senior executives in most cases come to the position from the outside. Perhaps this provides an opportunity to highlight their higher status in comparison with employees, because, as we know, "the prophet in his own country is not." These are people with a highly developed sense of self-esteem, observant, perceptive. Appreciate your time, but do not always punctual. Most likely, due to appear in their understanding of the more important and urgent matters than talking to you. And even if by prior arrangement. As a consequence of this attitude to one's own time and your problems important tip: do not refer to the case of a similar head twice for one and the same subject. Even if he promised to do anything for you and forget, or the situation has changed, and we need to make adjustments. That's it! Audience is given only once.Also, do not count on their honesty, not any argument out of their mouth can be trusted at his word. It is best to talk with a senior manager did not raise the issue so that the response suggests about the real causes of failure in a positive response to your question. For example, there is no indication from Moscow to agree or not to consider such and such a group of such sites or the list of objects to hit your. Specifying an informal, on their own, Moscow driven, motivated. Do you think that the manager will tell you that there is a ban on "top"? On the other hand, the existing law clearly gives you the right to get a favorable decision on your question. So do not put the head in a difficult position, not pressed on the legality, etc. All the same, in this case talk will not get anywhere, but the relationship can spoil. Sometimes it is useful to just wait, the decree "from above" could eventually be canceled. Or find another workaround.In order to properly orient itself during a conversation with a senior manager, you should always feel the difference in motivation between you. So, you want to achieve positive solutions to a problem. At the same time the head of almost all the same: you decide the question positively or not. His desire to simply solve the problem, remove it from the agenda and move on to the next. In this case, the main thing - do not have too much difficulty (and too small) for himself and his department. Here on this wave of head you have to be constantly tuned! For example, you offer a legitimate, but not quite Traditional passing documents through his authority and meet failure. Perhaps the point is that your version requires for something (say, up to a large extent) additional staff, and take them, or nowhere, or associated with some internal discomfort. Naturally, you are directly nobody will say. But if you are able to understand the problem and to solve it, your question can be answered with unexpected ease.And, of course, are important individual characteristics of your contact. As in the previous issue, "SMiU" tried to give a little typology of the most common senior management.

 Monsieur Ramballe Cochet ("democracy"), a psychological portrait

Remember the famous French comedy "Toy" with Pierre Richard in the lead role? The owner of the newspaper, where he worked as a hero Richard - millionaire Ramballe Cochet - could well serve as a prototype for many modern Russian officials. At least in terms of their behavior. About such people outwardly courteous, tactful and stressed aged, often say, "an iron fist in a velvet glove." Remember in the movie Ramballe Cochet with a friendly smile on his lips shakes hands with one of his staff, and when the latter left the room, ordered the editor: "Calculate him, he too sweaty palms."

Here so is the type of leader we are describing. In a conversation with you, he will be extremely attentive, even ask you a few questions of clarification. He does not show his displeasure and even more frustration. On the contrary, you will leave, shake his hand, with mutual smiles. Do you have the one the impression that the conversation was very fruitful, you have promised to help. But what is it? You know exactly what your documents on the table for this manager. However, time is running out and no action on his part is taken. Moreover, surprisingly, you will learn that he refuses now or in the future to meet with you. The situation is worse than you can imagine: Documents stuck indefinitely. There are generally no effect either positive or negative.

Probably in the course of your conversation, you have violated any of the "unwritten" rules of which they had no idea or did not attach a value to it: something is not said, is not about whether or not you asked about that or anything else in this kind. "Ramballe Kosh" has not submitted the form, although he was very angry and decided not to have anything to do with you. What's the worst, the leaders of this type are almost never change their decisions. So to remedy the situation is almost impossible. No, the documents you will sooner or later come back (I'm talking, of course, come back later - approx. AI), but the decision will be for you to negative.

 How to communicate?

As already mentioned, watch parts, hints in your communication. This type of leader is like no other often keep back. You definitely need to also pick up these signs and try not to run into any hidden "reef." For example, it is very important how you set out the problem. You should not start a conversation with the words: "I want to consult ...". This type of leader may decide that you are bothering him for nothing. After all, there are specialists for consultation, middle managers. For comparison, a different type of head, the word "consult" may find it perfectly acceptable.

Also, do not attempt to specify the terms of solutions of your question, if you promised to help. Type "Ramballe Cochet" not tolerate even a hint of pressure to themselves. You can spoil everything, it's better to lead the conversation so that he said of the timing. If you still can not tell, do not insist. This means that he does not want to talk, but he understood perfectly, make no mistake.

 "Jupiter", a psychological portraitт

In contrast to the previous type, the "democrat" of itself is not built. Quite the contrary. Now only get his audience - an extremely difficult task. First, any time you are sure he will not accept. At best, there are specially designed for such meetings clock. And the number of people wishing to get an audience is often an order of magnitude more than the ability to keep the watch. At worst, he does, in principle, does not practice personal communication with "walkers" and "asylum". In this case, all major decisions are made only by himself.

But if you are still lucky enough to have you come at the appointed time, the manager can not be there. Or he'd just come out and after 10 minutes (according to the Secretary). And you'll have to wait another hour or two.

In short, the entire environment seems to be saying to you, do as you are not ashamed that ye make such an important person on such an insignificant matter, as your? Directly in the course of the conversation, "Jupiter" says little, listens more.

 How to communicate?

Most likely, this type of leader delegated decision of your question to one of his deputies, even without hearing the problem. If this deputy is already familiar with the issue and refuses to take responsibility, a vicious circle. Therefore, you need to build a conversation so as not to give it to the side to turn the question: What is the position of the case in chief of?You also need to make it clear that the issue will not require any more effort from him personally or by their agencies. And anyway to catch a leader in the mood to dive into consideration personal details or not. If so - you are very lucky. If diving into the details it is not configured, and you, though, he tells them - terribly annoyed and quickly swerve the conversation by sending you to the Deputy.

 "Zeus the Thunderer", a psychological portrait

Usually, a former production manager: foreman, Deputy Director, Head of Laboratory, etc. And not just a production worker, but as a rule, who worked at the plant in the Soviet times and has absorbed more that Soviet corporate culture. Hence their very peculiar behavior. They look stressed harsh, loud voice, sonorous, intended more for use in the workshop, during rolling tubes than for still and sector specific corridors. In contrast to type "Ramballe Cochet," no hints, plainly does not recognize, preferring to talk directly and strictly on the merits. For example, the characteristic of the beginning of his telephone conversation with his subordinates:
- Hello!
- Hello, Peter.
- Sidorov? Hello! Sidorov?! What have you got?!
It is not surprising that the subordinates are afraid of such a leader, and try not often cross his path. The more so that the mistakes and miscalculations of subordinates "Zeus" usually sit for the general sessions, do not mince words. He likes order and discipline, in contrast to the above two types of leaders, trying to understand the details of personal problems, monitors the progress of the most important. Often raspekaya subordinates rarely praises them, seeing a good job as a matter of course. Patient went on a business trip, because there was no one more to go? Well, you no one for it and does not scold! What more should be?

 How to communicate?

If you got the type of "Zeus the Thunderer" - a great success! As with ordinary people, he is surprisingly soft. May, for example, have a great dressing down subordinates for being in the hallway had gathered all the experts, or that there were no chairs, so people in the waiting room to sit. Therefore, observing reasonable measure in a conversation with the manager can speak to the point, and even specify the terms of consideration of your question.

The only rule: do not speak too emotionally, even in response to the emotions of the leader. Expansive behavior (excluding own) he perceives as chaotic and expansive man, as a person, which itself does not know what he wants.

 «Heavy metal»

In case your conversation with a senior manager, whoever he was, did not lead to success, and you are sure they are right, and you have nothing to lose - this extreme case, there is another way to impact. The method is extremely unpleasant for any official, beginning with the mid-level. Way, deciding which to use, or you'll get a positive result, or at least badly spoiled life person reviewing your documents, and will be even. But in any case, you will spoil the relationship with all heads of departments, and you will remember for a long time. What is this method?

It consists in the long-term and systematic written complaints of an officer to a higher institution or official control organization (or and there and there at the same time). It is important to be patient and - an important point - to write a complaint to the authorities consistently one step higher, without jumping. That is the beginning of a regional (local) level, then the federal and up to the presidential administration.

The fact is that in all such organizations there service work with letters and complaints from citizens. If your message is not complete nonsense, it had to be sent away down the line to address the issue, especially without going into the core of your writing. They what? Sent the period. And for the downline to bureaucratic language it is called an unpleasant word "kontrolku." In other words, the question of your letter is now in the control of the parent organization, and the officer is obliged to report to it the action taken. But that's not all. The most dreadful to the official, when your complaint has reached the president's administration and went down, but not to the official, and to the organization, which stands on this official. Can you imagine? Makes his official report to the Head of Administration of the President for some of his "troubles" with your question! Yes Head vytryaset of this officer his soul, that he got away from you as soon as possible!

It is in this whole point. Complaints to the management itself will carry the official somehow, but when, because it systematically "strain" of his head, it's a different matter. In this case, he will have something for you to satisfactorily resolve the issue, just to no longer see you or hear.

Author: Alexander Ivanov

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