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Entrance cover

According to statistics, from 70 to 90% of dirt falling into the room, entered from the street on the soles of shoes. Brings thousands of visitors to 12 kg of dust, sand, etc., and in the rain or snow, this figure increases several times. Dirt, having abrasive, gradually destroys any floor covering, reducing its service life, and permanent wet cleaning adversely affect the appearance of the carpet, linoleum, parquet, etc.

Of course, even the most accurate customer is unlikely to be ten minutes, scrape at the door, to spare you the extra cleaning. Should take care of this system of protection against dirt, which, optimally, consists of three phases.

 Three levels of protection from dirt
Three levels of protection from dirt, developed by European and American experts, has been successfully applied in the present and in Russia. A particular advantage of her detention can be considered dirt at the entrance, and the impossibility of its distribution in the room where the first level is coarse coating, the second - a fine-mesh cover, the third - pile carpets. At its core, this system is a hidden type of cleaning, does not violate the design and maintain a clean indoor flooring.

 Let's dwell on each level of protection
 Entrance coverLevel 1 (usually in front of the building) - coarse surface. They have a variety of configurations and are used for the detention of large fractions of the mud, snow and water. Usually fit into the pits or on the floor and fenced perimeter protection piping. Coarse coatings are especially needed in areas with snowy winters. The height of these coatings range from 2 cm to 5 cm, and often has a heater and a sink. In the Russian market coverage level 1 are well represented - from cheap rubber to complex aluminum structures. Often recommended modular coating. Recommended length shall not be less than 1.5 meters - that people had to make at least two steps to this coating.

 Level 2 (usually vestibule) - fine mesh covering. This level allows you to clean the soles of shoes of the average fractions of the mud (60-90% contamination - depending on the length of the plot). Coverage level 2 produced a wide variety of species with different efficiency. Best with the task of cleaning shoes at this level of protection to cope aluminum construction, mixed with bristles, corrugated rubber, carpet inserts. But the cost of such coatings is high ($ 300/1 m2). The most popular is due to the relatively inexpensive prices (from $ 70 to $ 250/m2), ease of assembly and operation, as well as high durability and quality of treatment, use modular coating. They consist of individual elements are connected to each other using special locks, which enables to produce coatings of all sizes and configurations, and relatively easy to replace damaged parts, to form cover with logos, slogans, etc. Reliable coverage of the group determined by the material and the design of the modules of the tool joint. Modular covering different manufacturers are made of various materials - hence the differences. For the manufacture of modular coverings use different materials, different from each other, both in durability, and in the range of operating temperatures. Height coatings Level 2 usually ranges from 1 cm to 2.5 cm.

 Entrance coverThird level (lounge, lobby, etc.) - or loop pile coating (protect from moisture, sand, dust). The coatings of this type are made of nylon, vinyl or composite materials. They differ from general-purpose carpet (carpet) unique texture cloth, not only allowing to delay large amount of sand and moisture, but also easy to 'give up' with them in the cleaning process. Different coverage data and specific substrate, which is not only firmly fix the carpet to the floor, but do not miss the dirt. Enforce secure (with rings and rods) mats is only necessary on the stairs.

In practice, however, due to budget or space constraints, often used two-stage system.

 Care mud coatings
But do not forget that Mudguard coatings can effectively fulfill its function only if they are timely treatment. Some coatings can be easily washed and cleaned in place by the personnel of companies, other (pile) must be periodically removed and sent to the cleaning companies that specialize in such type of services and have the necessary equipment to clean modern coir coatings. Frequency of sending coatings for specialized cleaning depends on the attendance area and is usually from 2 to 24 times a year. At other times, they just need to be cleaned by conventional methods (vacuuming, etc.).A number of companies are also engaged in hire cleaning pile carpets, and the dirty cover sent to the cleaners, just replaced the exact same design and the clean, ie in Russia (after other countries), a new service called "Service coir removable coverings" or "Mat-service".

 Recommendations for choosing a
Give some guidelines on choosing the size of the modular cleaning coatings. The length of the carpet in the corridor should be equal to the distance between the entrance and exit doors to incoming do more steps in the lattice. Very effectively fill the entire vestibule modular carpet. If the vestibule area is too large, in order to save, you can choose a width of the carpet, so that the two walking towards each other person can freely disperse, not stood outside coating.Finally I want to give advice. If you still have doubts about whether or not to spend money on these mats, let's count. Task is solved simply. Count how many visitors come to your office (shop, restaurant) during the day. Think how much money you have spent in the last quarter to repair floors and pay the cleaners. If these figures and expenses you are not pleased, safely purchase a system from the dirt. It will justify itself.

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