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Between Scylla and Charybdis, or the mysterious soul of a Russian official

Between Scylla and Charybdis, or the mysterious soul of a Russian official«Only one in our county a decent man - the prosecutor. And he is, by the way - a pig! "NV Gogol's "Dead Souls"

Cadastral Chamber Glavarhitektura, Bureau of Technical Inventory, Territorial Department № 15 Rosnedvizhimost, Rostehinventarizatsiya, unified customer service, the Committee on Privatization, the different structures of the Ministry of State Property Management of the Sverdlovsk region, the Ministry of Territorial Administration of Property Relations, the Committee on Monuments, Ministry of Construction , the Federal Registration Service of the Russian Federation, the various courts, the district tax offices, and many, many bodies and organizations with which we interact with the construction companies in the course of their work.

In each of the above institutions we deal with various officials at all levels. And although the solution of paper and legal issues - is equally work, both for the builder, and the officials who are equally bound by both sides - the reality is so that employees of construction companies almost always act as a sort of asylum. The role of inequality and thankless. Therefore, knowledge of psychology and some behavioral patterns of certain categories of civil servants, according to the wording "SMiU", can facilitate and speed up the documents in a particular instance. Material on this issue, we are publishing in the pages of today's numbers.

 Part one. specialists

A very important category of officials, despite their relatively low status in the business hierarchy. Yes, these people are not capable in principle "to resolve the issue," but it depends on them done by the speed and quality of work. These people carry out the acceptance and delivery of documents, verification and training. Depends on their will to create or not create you serious problems, for example, lose an important document script, consider three times longer period authorized by law, to allow a critical error, do you refuse to accept the documents for consideration by the formal trifling pretexts. But who knows what else.

All the experts can be divided into two categories: "new and inexperienced" and "valuable and experienced." Each category has its own peculiar type of behavior. (Hereinafter, we certainly do not claim that all the officials completely fit our description follows below. There are exceptions. We only show the most typical and common examples).

"New and inexperienced", a psychological portrait: usually a young girl or just after graduation, either in parallel in higher education. Rare category of officials, who are easy and nice to talk to, as they are because of their inexperience still listen to you with your question. They have so far rarely a bad mood, respectively, they are not able to carry it on you. Moreover, this category of professionals can "enter into the position" and forty minutes searching for you any desired help. In the future, you will not find these altruistic other categories of officials. In short, it is these people the easiest to work, but there is one "but".

Everyone knows that our shortcomings - a continuation of our strengths. Therefore inexperience greatest misfortune that can trap you. Some nuance they may not know or overlook or forget. As a result, with a friendly smile on his face, they will send you to do more work, upholster unnecessary thresholds fail there, where they were taken, etc. Worst of all, if you yourself are a new employee at a construction company. Just imagine how stupid and unprofessional you will look in the eyes of your boss, if reported to him that you have not completed the task for any useless and ridiculous reasons, focusing on the opinion of the most inexperienced professional? And if it happens again a few times?

Above all, inexperienced professionals tend to err. They are not inclined to take the initiative for fear of a mistake and was reprimanded by his superiors.

How to interact with them: these people can and should be politely persuade. They listen to the reasoned opinion on issues where they have little expertise. In extreme cases, they can go to consult more experienced employees. The only important thing is not to let them know that you consider them unskilled, and explaining his own idea as some useful insights may be recently entered into force before in practice. Often refers to the opinion of other specialists, in particular they know. The exceptions are those cases where they have to take the initiative and take responsibility. Here, the arguments will not help you. In this case, the contract that you enlist the opinion of your question, let's say, the head of their department and judge him for it.

If you have a service do not just give the new specialists some small gift, like a box of chocolates. The fact of the gift may be unfamiliar to them, alerted them to further your relationship can become strained. It is better to be gratuities only if you already have experience.

"Valuable and experienced" psychological profile: people who have been natural selection among the "new and inexperienced", entrenched as a chief or leading experts. Just as rare to find a compassionate, sentimental surgeon romantic journalist character aforementioned officials also "trimmed and hardened" under the influence of the profession. Natural human kindness had disappeared, and now with a mixture of anger and contempt on the face of Jupiter watching you, which you dragged away from the process of creation. Although a second ago you thought that the clerk just talking about something with his colleagues.

- Hello, Appolinariya Kapitonovna - timidly seep you into the office.
- Get out of here! - There was a terrible cry.
Only among the "valuable and experienced" professionals such dialogues are widespread. At higher levels, the officials already can better control their emotions, and outright rudeness is extremely rare.
Experienced professionals are well aware of its value, and realize that all of the current work is kept on them, and therefore do not fear dismissal or serious sanctions from management. Who instead of them will work? Hence the characteristics of their behavior. Due to the large volume of the whole of their work, this category of officials often tend to careless or indifferent to the individual components, situations.

How to Deal: never and under no circumstances do not argue with them, let alone say that they are wrong, and even more so if they are, in fact, wrong. Otherwise, instead of one problem (which you have, so is guaranteed to make an insoluble) you will find in the sentence a few more problems. A significant leverage on the situation you do not. You - the asylum! It is better to build a conversation as if you find out for yourself the reasons and the nuances of the problem with such an experienced specialist. Sometimes in the process of explaining to you the official sees that is wrong, and can change their minds, you are guilty of what you are poorly explained to him the nature of your question. Although such luck is rare.

If the first method does not work, and a dead-end situation, try to pass the initiative in the hands of a specialist. "In this case, Appolinariya Kapitonovna, as you advise, what to do? '. It happens that in this case, it is not simply refuse you, but really think about how to solve the problem, and determine the course of action. However, if the answer you will hear: "How would I know? Come and understand where you have been given this document? "- The situation is extremely serious. You can go to the boss and talk to him. But remember, it does not matter whether you can solve the problem or not, after your conversation with the leadership - thank you for this specialist foe, unpleasant and annoying type with all the ...

Better to try to find a good friend (friend) crooked specialist and try to settle the problem through it, or at least to be represented as "his" people. If that does not work?

There is another way. Not a hundred percent, and risky. Applied only as a last resort. The fact that this category of officials (again, most of them female) is comfortable in a situation where everyone plays a role - you are the petitioner, it is - Jupiter. The more you bring the argument, the more trying to convince her of something or to show part of your problem, the result is of the opposite. Try to do the opposite, start themselves to blame her, all the more annoying, can not even raise her voice (to lose now still nothing). And, most importantly, let them know that you are not going to leave! It will still be forced to listen to you! That's what they do not like, so work them uncomfortable. Categories are unbalanced pensioners who go and watch them exhausting their conversation. Such retirees experienced fear most. And then even more unusual option: in the same role rather young man. What if it's worse? Yours truly, the author of this article, in this way several times to be successful. But, again, it should be applied only in the case where the question Extremely urgent and desperate situation.

 Part two. Supervisors

This category of officials are department heads, management, etc. They are also still can not solve the "fundamental question", but may be due to access to the body of a higher management to influence decision process. In addition, they can help in all cases where an expert in your question can not or do not want to take the lead, or is mistaken position. You can select multiple types of leaders.

"Sane" psychological profile: you're lucky if the line manager, with whom you are talking to, are of this type. Typically, these are people who came to the post from the side, and not risen through the ranks - sometimes with some production company (eg, chief of department), most of any institution other municipalities. This boss you are likely to listen, and if your position is generally correct and well-reasoned, he would agree with your argument. What's more, if your problem is an objective, you may be offered a solution to suit everyone.

How to Deal: The rumor is that the facility operates as a useful man, spreads rapidly, and you can watch yourself now, as described by the head, even walking down the hallway to your workplace, acquires a crowd of petitioners. This is in addition to the queue that had gathered at the entrance to the office. Therefore, the first problem for you will still get to see him through the public.

The second point. With the leadership you will have the opportunity to speak on the subject is not more than 1-2 times. After a conversation with you boss is likely to delegate the decision of your question his specialist. You probably already guessed that this specialist will be none other than "valuable and experienced" with all the charms of communication with the latter. Not going to do you regularly go and complain to the specialist's head even if it "realistic." This is already too much.

"Easily offended", a psychological portrait: this type of leader, for the most part, come from the lower classes, that is, from among experts. For this reason, it has some similar behavioral patterns. Thus, he believes that to come to see him, you can only in the event of a very serious problem: a problem somewhere between the national project "affordable housing" in the region and world-wide revolution. Otherwise, just start talking, you can see on his face the first signs of impending unrest: "Why do you come to me with this come from?" - Without listening, he asks the question that puts you in a dead end (for who else had come ?). "We have the people, for them and us, and I have nothing to take away time!". If you try to answer that with a specialist you just were, and why come here - then find out how much you: not only is tactless, harmful, consuming people's time people, so also and stubborn, which all have repeat ten times. Or again you do not understand? There are experts! GOODBYE!

In addition. This type of leader is always implicitly believes in the justice of their specialists in opposition to you. Complain to him on anyone - a more expensive.

How to communicate: by recognizing early signs "of an approaching storm," in front of you is this type of leader, the most useful thing to quickly end the conversation in a positive way for himself. In particular, the words "we also have experts", think, say, a simpleton, and asked, "that is, I can explain the problem to them? '. To end the conversation so it is very important - you can now go back to the specialist, and offer it to solve your problem as you consider right, but referring to the fact that you had a conversation with the head, and that he had ordered to start solving your problems with a specialist.

"Belief", a psychological portrait: many similarities with the "easily offended." The difference is that the cause of their dissatisfaction is caused not by the fact that you are to it on trivial matters, and what your opinions are not equal. The fact that this type of head, usually in something strongly convinced. So tightly that the work used to always use the standard formal techniques, and even listen to you no more, that your case is unique. And you do not ask him to break or job descriptions, especially the law. Just get on your position and to apply due to unusual circumstances, unusual for a manual way. It would seem, so what? But to make him believe that you are also well versed in the matter, do not carry stuff, but, instead, offer a reasonable solution - an incredible job.

For example, you may be asked to submit any document, not on your behalf, and on behalf of, say, the chairman of the Sverdlovsk region. In this case, you are representing a private firm "ball-gnats" and by law to file a document can either you or the government. But you say - we always interpret the law only so, but not otherwise - let the government takes it. In your argument, and what to do if they refuse, because before that the government does not like to do - get a decent answer, "Then took them to court!". No comment.

How to communicate: it is one of the most severe cases, argue for such a leader you can not. Moreover, even if you get a win over his side specialist (better not try it!), You still pass through the barrier in the face of his boss will not succeed. Typically, these people have a good memory. You can be sure they remember your case and check that their vision prevailed. The only possible workaround - try to solve your problem in a circuit, not by the person.

"Elusive" psychological profile: a feature of this type of management is that they are almost always not around. Here like and study it, and the day of the reception, and the clock - and no head. A gift that takes the head of, say only 1-1.5 hours a week, even in the extremely uncomfortable for everyone (obviously except for him) time: from 15.30 to 16.30, for example. Woe to you if you brought to his office insignificant, but it is extremely urgent matter, for example, put a signature on a certificate. (Yes, and the signature is not official, but only the negotiation).

The presence of the Secretary - though among middle managers is not often practiced - did not significantly change. Secretary may take you this wretched help and promised that as soon as the head is in place, she immediately gives him a paper to sign. And keep a promise! And then a week you'll hear from her, "Help is signed, it is on the table, but most of Nicanor Nikanorovich not. Morning, just 15 minutes later, and signed documents are not transmitted. And so on, almost indefinitely.

How to Deal: means only one thing - keep exhausting siege. Often caught his eye, even if it just runs past the hall and into his office was not going. Run with him and reminded about the problem, again, assign the meeting. In the case of another failure to find work time and call him in the first hour of work (often by this time they come to RAM) or in the last hour (often come pick stuff). Making sure that you are on is not so easy otvyazheshsya perhaps even a sense of some embarrassment - he even ran, may still decide your question.

On this basis, decide with this type of head only matters that do not require a long attention or effort.

Author: Alexander Ivanov

Source: magazine "Construction materials and services» № 8

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