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Human resources: good to remember the old


Human resources: good to remember the oldThe rapid development of the construction industry leads to the formation of a systematic approach to solving one of the most urgent problems of the industry - to ensure the construction of qualified personnel. If today is the usual enticement proven professionals from one company to another, and the use of personnel reserve, left over from the Soviet era, tomorrow in technology and business of a company, will require a more stable source of human resources. One way out of this situation - a partnership of construction companies and specialized educational institutions on the basis of social order.

 Not prestigious "profession

The severity of the personnel problem is regularly highlighted in the statements of officials of different levels, members of the trade unions, self-regulatory organizations and the enterprises themselves. The root cause of lack of personnel is known to all - it is a crisis of production, coverage in the last decade of the last century the Russian economy, including the construction industry. Particularly acute shortage of specialists is felt in the cities and regions where the long time it was not conducted any major construction projects, which resulted in many skilled workers have been forced to look for a different use.

Against the background of a dramatic drop in the rate of construction, seriously degraded state system of training and motivation of personnel for the industry. Thanks to new media propagated democratic values and opportunities, work builder no longer perceived as something honorable, right society and a well-paid job. Job fell into the category of non-prestigious. Much more popular were "office" specialties, such as manager, lawyer, economist, secretary, bookkeeper. Parents concerned with the future welfare of their children, sought to give them exactly the kind of education. As a result - the appearance in Russia of a large number of private educational institutions in the humanities and the opening of a paid department in the state universities, colleges, vocational schools.

Left on starvation rations financial, specialized public schools focused their attention and resources on occupations for survival keep personnel and facilities. Moreover, that the Soviet practice of patronage industry over institutions that gave an opportunity not only to acquire educational tools, but also check the content of training programs with real production, has died. Such a focus on parental demand for educational services (after all, they tend to pay for training), and not the real needs of the economy, has led to the fact that the number of "office plankton" surpasses all imaginable limits, while as an acute shortage of engineers, technicians, designers, skilled workers.

So when came the construction boom and again demanded those who know how to build quality, it turned out that finding the right person is problematic: they are either already occupied competitors, or have reached retirement age. To the masses of young professionals, with a few exceptions, modern construction companies formed skepticism on account of their level of training (see the interview with the chief engineer SK "Metallayn" Dmitry red on page ....).

 Who lacks

If labor shortages somehow compensate for visitors from neighboring countries, the solution of the problem of finding staff for high-skill, requires companies to do much more.

According to the chief of staff of the construction company "Academ-Grad" Tatiana Malkova, today's construction market is a shortage of Yekaterinburg executives with higher specialized education, such as superintendents, architects, foreman, managers of construction projects and experienced engineers. Moreover, with the adoption in late 2004 of the new Development Code, the demand has changed qualitatively. "If, in 2003-2004, the construction companies were the most demanded line staff, specialists, associated with the production and preparation process (PTI chiefs, heads of sections, heads estimate and Contract Division), then, since 2005, the demand for top engineers - designers and specialist of the department of design of different building areas. As for the line staff, the urgent need for the work, that are able to act as a focal point for all professionals are on site».

 How to look for

The most important criterion is that developers are guided in the selection of personnel - experience a potential employee. Based on this, there are three scenarios of reproduction of human resources of the company.

The first - the employment of graduates of building schools. They can pay less, but you must outline a clear vision in the next year or two higher grades. Such a scenario is more acceptable to businesses firmly taken its place in the market and looking with confidence to the future, "coaching" the former graduate to an acceptable level of qualification requires experienced craftsmen, time and money. At the same time, there is no guarantee that gain experience, it will not go to a competitor, causing thus significant damage to the company who raised him.

The second scenario involves a job offer masters of the Soviet school of construction, such as military engineers. Despite their age, they are now required by the market. "In Soviet times, the construction of military facilities to send the best experts - said Tatiana Malkova - which are currently scattered throughout the regions of Russia and not in demand because of their age (average 50-60 years). Specificity in our situation we do not disregard such professionals as their work in the past meant a very short time, high quality standards and a high degree of responsibility. Therefore, in terms of professional experience, the former military engineers have the absolute advantage, even in the very talented young professionals. "

Finally, it is widely used by outbidding the right people at other companies. But in this case he will have to pay higher wages and be prepared for the fact that the purchased specialist with the same success can leave a new job, if goes better offer.
The severity of the personnel problem can also be traced on the dynamics of wages in the construction sector, exceeding the rate of inflation: an increase in wages is a major tool to attract the right people. In 2006, the salaries of representatives of such specialties as superintendents, architects, foreman, chief engineers, averaged 16-20%. The difference in monthly income of designers start and end of the year amounted to 25-27%.

According to government statistics, last year the salary Tyumen construction rose by 24.2% (the average monthly earnings of 25,500 rubles). Rates were much larger personal income Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk. As reported by "Ural-press-inform" fastest growing wages of builders of the Middle Urals - the year by 44% (13.24 thousand) in the Chelyabinsk region - by 34.4% (11.6 thousand). The lowest salary among builders Kurgan region - 8800 rubles, from the beginning of the year it rose by 37.2%.

 Order to formulate

With the development of industry and the growth of wage increases and the prestige of education and work in construction. Today it is considered the youth as one of the most promising areas in terms of building a fast career. It is not surprising that over the past five years have significantly increased the number of developers wanting to get a degree.

In this case, despite the gap in content profession, young professionals are the most accessible of human resources, which perforce turn all construction companies. Due to the lack of real experience, they perceive the best new construction techniques, actively implement business, more sensitively absorb corporate standards of production. Indeed, the axiom that man is easier to teach than to retrain, finds daily confirmation anywhere.

However, there remains the problem of poor quality of basic education. And to solve it without the business is almost impossible. During the reform of national vocational education system, development of the construction of thought has gone a long way: a lot of new materials and technologies for their use, purchased a qualitatively different import machinery, unknown schools with their poor resource base and outdated training manual. Logical step for the business as a carrier of new knowledge, which is more profitable to get young professionals "maximum readiness", rather than later is risky to invest in his training in the course of work, would be to formulate a similar order for the educational institutions. And also - help with an internship and then a job promising graduates.

The first steps to create such a social partnership between business and education are taken today. For example, Yekaterinburg company "Pilot Plant window designs" and "Atomstroycomplex" enter into contracts for training and retraining with leading universities in the city. Not exclude such cooperation in the future, and companies such as "Metallayn" and "Academ-Grad".

Author: Dmitry Noskov

Source: magazine "Construction materials and services» № 7

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