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Business Seminar "How to find the time to do other things"


Business Seminar "How to find the time to do other things"

- Are you overwhelmed?
- The more employees, the less you have the time and freedom?
- You have to decide almost all the problems in the company?
- Do you miss the 24 hours in the day?
- You do not have time for yourself and family?
- Are you not happy with the efficiency of the majority of your employees and the company as a whole?
If you answer "Yes" to any of questions, then this seminar is for you!


1 part.
- A simple, highly effective and proven experience in the solution which can be implemented in your company for half an hour;
- How to make employees less come with questions and more - with the answers;
- How to help your employees to take more responsibility and find solutions;
- How to unload their employees who have to work for their subordinates;
- How to teach your managers properly analyze problems and find solutions;
- How to accurately choose those whom you can delegate certain issues;

2 part. The secret to the effectiveness of
- The most important thing in a time - management;
- I did not know our teachers and counselors;
- What is more important - the time or attention;
- What causes the lack of attention;
- Why do managers do not have enough attention, where we're losing him;
- How to save your time and attention;

Part 3. Productive and unproductive staff
- Key Features productive employees;
- Can you identify the productivity of the candidate before you have it
took on the job;
- What to do with unproductive employees;

Part 4. The main motivation of the law
- What do your children and your staff;
- Why are our people (and children) often take a bad example;
- How to ensure that your employees (and children) took the example of the best, not the worst;
- How to correct the deficiencies, not paying attention to them;
- How to make productive employees have become more;

- You will receive practical tools to increase their effectiveness and improve the efficiency and responsibility of his subordinates;
- You'll know the root cause of their congestion and a lack of time - and you will know how to fix it;
- You will learn the basic law of motivation to help solve major problems, not only with employees, but with customers, friends, relatives and children;

Call and sign up now! Discounts!
Tel. (343) 268-28-50, 269-22-90.

About the Speaker:
Igor Davydov (St. - Petersburg) Lecturer and member of the board of the international consulting company "Performia"


Source:  www.stroyip.ru

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